Sunday, September 28, 2008

Six Flags

We went on a trip to Six Flags with the youth group this weekend. (For more details and some pictures, see Brenda's blog.) We had a large variety of people in our group, and we all had a great time. I was amazed at how well everyone got along. Not just got along, but thoroughly enjoyed one another and encouraged each other. The body of Christ is amazing, even in something as seemingly trivial and unimportant as a trip to Six Flags. We all saw Christ in each other and, hopefully, those around us saw Christ in us as well.

Thanks to all our chaperones that made this trip possible; you guys are the best!


Unknown said...

I had a great time and so glad you got to go! I see we are being called to confessional! WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!! ;O) I'm a vault!
(and you better be!!) HEE HEE
Love the poll by the way. I'm sure you did that just because you had to sleep next to an entire pile of OU stuff huh? I tried to secretely steal some of my stuff during the night but it was guarded!!! By those barking dogs!

Lindsay said...

That mountain of red was most definitely guarded! The dogs were one thing, but that laser protection and fingerprint authorization was a bit much! ;-)

And as to the lips are sealed!

Unknown said...

I'm losing the vote!!!!I'm the only one on my side! Yikes! Must recruit more OU Bloggers.

Thanks for your e-mail! It was truly what I needed! You amaze me!