Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here I am to Worship

I love that song! From the first time I heard it, it's had a huge impact on me. But the other day, as I was driving down the highway, it came on the radio and it hit me in a completely new and different way.

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God

I've always been able to live that as I stood in church and sang that song. It's easy to worship and bow down and say that He's my God when I'm surrounded by others who are doing the same. Those are not hard things to do when "here" is "church." But in the car that day, it was like God knocked on the door of my heart and said, "'Here' is 'earth'." Whoa!
Now, you may be saying, "duh!", and I kind of was too, because I already knew that and tried to live it as much as I could. But having that in front of me as a concrete, conscious thought was a strong and convicting realization. "Here" isn't just church. I'm not just here to worship and bow down and say that He is God when I'm in church. "Here" is earth. Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, I am supposed to worship and bow down and say that He is God.

When I'm at home with my family, when I'm in the grocery store, when I'm doing school, when I'm dealing with someone that I really struggle to like, when I'm in the midst of a trial or when life is perfect-

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God

No matter what, as long as I am drawing breath on this earth, that is what I am supposed to be doing. Worshipping, bowing down and saying that He is my God. If every Christian lived that kind of a life, what kind of a world would this be?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

For all of you moms that I love and adore so much, but especially for my mom: I love you!

My mom is a smiling face
When all I can do is frown
My mom is a warm embrace
When I’m feeling lonely and down
My mom is a comforting presence
When trials come my way
My mom is love, at its essence
When life is gloomy and grey
My mom is a wonderful teacher
She’s taught me all that I know
My mom is sometimes a preacher
But I know that helps me to grow
My mom is devoted to Jesus
And I want to be like her someday
My mom is faithful to teach us
To love God in every way
My mom will be there at the end
Still just as gentle and kind
My mom is my very best friend
And I’m glad God made her mine

Thanks for being who you are, Mom; you're the best! Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Conversations with Andrea

(Okay, I just want you guys to know that I feel really cool now that I am part of the "Conversations with..." club. =D)

Background: Jonathan, Stephen and Andrea just got home from our grandparents' house this morning, and they were all watching Sleeping Beauty. I was not in a bad mood, but I wasn't in a good mood either. Consequently, I was not really wanting to do anything that might possibly be called fun. Andrea came up the stairs looking quite sweet and innocent...

Andrea: Do you want to color with me?

Me: Don't you want to watch your movie?

Andrea: Well...

Me: (in my most animated and excited voice) It's at the best part! Prince Phillip is about to fight the dragon! You don't want to miss that!

Andrea: Well, we can color and watch the movie at the same time.

Me: Are you sure?

Andrea: (with that all-knowing 5-year-old look) Yes. Because, you know, anything is possible with God!


We colored...and watched the movie...and I was in a much better mood when we finished. I love that kid!