Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lessons from the Little People

I love to listen to my youngest three siblings sing. It's the cutest thing you've ever heard, even with the occasional note going off-key :-) One of their favorite songs to sing from the back seat of the car is "Blue Skies and Rainbows." They love that song, and they sing it with an incredible enthusiasm.

Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from heaven
Are what I can see when my Lord is living in me
I know that...
(Then all at once they will explode and sing the chorus at the top of their lungs, as if it's the only thing in the world that matters.)

As I listened to them belt that out one day, I wondered why I personally, as well as the rest of the Christian community, do not proclaim that with the same enthusiasm and spirit? We know that the only thing that matters is that "Jesus is well and alive today," right? Why, then, do we not shout it from the rooftops? If not literally, at least figuratively? Why do we remain silent, for the most part? Perhaps we do not think about the consequences of our silence. I think it is very possible that we do not even realize how eternity-impacting the truth that Jesus is well and alive today is. Of course, we know that Jesus is the only way to heaven, but do we really think about what that means? Do we think about the fact that every single person that we know or come into contact with that does not have Jesus as their Savior will spend eternity without God? Think about that for a moment. Eternity. Without God. Without Him from whom "every good and perfect gift" comes. If we think this world is rough, with it's finiteness and the presence of God still here, how terrible would eternity be without Him? And how could we, when we know the way to spending eternity with God, remain silent and not share it with those around us who do not know the truth? How??? Why??? I know the reason I do not speak out, and it's not something I'm proud of: I worry about what others will think of me. That looks so lame when I read it. How can I be so concerned about what others will think that I do not share with them the grace that Jesus so freely offers? With all the rejection Jesus suffered for them, am I not willing to suffer possible rejection to tell them about it? "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." (Matthew 9:37) Could He have meant, not necessarily that the workers are unavailable, but possibly that they are available, but unwilling? Look with me out at the fields, ripe for harvest, in the same way that Jesus did. "He had compassion on them." (Matthew 9:36) Does not compassion require action? Jesus' compassion moved Him to action, selfless and sacrificial action. I pray that ours will do the same.
Father, forgive me for my cowardice and for placing the opinions that others may have of me above Your Will and the spreading of Your Word. Give me boldness to speak Your truth in love. Show me what You see when You look at this hurting world. Make me a vessel that carries Your message to them. Love the people in this world through me.
Truly, unless we become like little children, we (and perhaps others) will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


Anonymous said...

Lindsay, I believe that your prayer was answered. You have shown boldness and courage by writing out your feelings on this subject of Jesus and sharing Him with others. You have such deep spirtual faith that surpasses your physical age. Your parents and youth leader and Heather and anyone else that has taught you about spirtual things should be commended! But, mostly I give credit to God for drawing you to Himself and teaching you as you walk with Him. What else could a grandmother ask for!? You have given me an insight into something that the Lord has been showing me also. We are so blessed to have the Lord in our lives and have that precious gift of salvation. And, it is a mystery why we are not willing to share it with others. I have been praying, since the workshop, that God would give me boldnes and courage and the right words to speak of Him with others when given the opportunity. Thank you for being part of the "theme" that God uses. And, yes, your precious siblings are quite the "choir"!! I pray as they grow up, they will not lose their enthusiasm! You're a great big sister! I love you ABATS and am so proud of you! Nanny

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lindsay, between reading your blog and Nanny's comment, I am uplifted for the day. I am in awe of the wisdom, truth, and the gift of expressing it, that God has given you. Expect God to answer your prayers and stay alert, asking for the boldness you will need when He presents you with the opportunities. I love you!! Mommy